correct and articulate
Find the right words!
We've looked for high-quality, free learning tools to make you
We've looked for high-quality, free learning tools to make you
confident in your future conversations!
- Get comfortable with the basics!
- Commit important phrases and expressions to memory!
- Practice speaking about common topics of conversation!
Centro Studi Italiani - Phrases and Expressions
Use these matching exercises to learn and practise using important phrases and expressions.Loecsen - Phrases with Audio Pronunciation
This site lets you choose different communication situations (on the left side of the screen) and browse common Italian phrases in each category. You can listen to the phrase to hear the correct pronunciation. You can also download phrases as mp3s or pdfs.Langmedia - Short Conversations
This site has videos of short conversations about many different topics. Just choose a category and then a video to watch and listen. Each video has an Italian as well as an English transcript.YouTube: Italian Lessons101 - Expressions and Phrases
This playlist has numerous videos that present you with typical conversations and vocabulary that you might encounter in Italian. The videos include English translations.YouTube: Learn Italian with ItalianPod101.com - Italian in 3 Minutes
This video series introduces you to basic Italian words and sentences that you can use for basic conversations in Italian. English translations are provided.IE Languages - Learn Your First Words
A simple learning portal that will help you get started learning Italian. You can learn your first vocabulary words as well as how they're correctly pronounced. Translations into English are also available. You'll also be introduced to basic grammatical topics like negation and verb conjugation.